Yesterday was National Egg Day, according to those fun “unusual holiday” calendars.
We celebrated by gathering up this week’s eggs in a basket to take a picture of their awesome variations. Our ducks lay eggs with shells that are different colors from each other, which is pretty cool to see! This doesn’t impact the taste or color of the egg itself at all, and is mostly related to the bloom on the egg.
The eggs are also still coming out with some variation in size, since the ducks are young and only recently started laying. Buttercup is the first duck to lay consistently — basically all “extra large” size white pretty eggs.
We also gave the ducks a bouquet of trimmed arugula flowers as a treat!
In honor of National Egg Day, I’d also like to pass along a recommendation for my ideal method of making scrambled eggs. Such an easy food, but it’s so easy to make bad scrambled eggs. Follow these instructions and it’ll be perfect.

Meghan Buckley is the co-founder of Stargazer Hollow, and is the business end of the farm.
Meghan handles the website and marketing, accounting, farmers markets, conference planning, and all the other little admin overhead that a farm needs.
She also loves getting her hands dirty, and helps with duck care, vegetable harvesting, and lots of cooking and canning!